Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Too late?

today's devotion is on Numbers 12...the part where it really hit me was verse 14-15...God being the kind and forgiving figure still punishes someone that believes in Him...these are prophets that are being punished here...these are ones that have a close relationship with God...so what about the chances of us being punish that commit sins on a daily basis?

but God forgives Miriam in the end...but at a price...she was infected with leprosy...in those days infected with leprosy is as good as having cancer in today's context...only thing is that you can't tell whether is a person infected with cancer at the first look....but leprosy can...and during those days people with leprosy need to wear cloth around themselves to cover whichever part that is exposed...so when leprous walk on the street everyone will keep a fair distance just so that they will not be infected as well...if you have leprous you won't go out to anywhere until you are healed...so if you are not healed for your entire life you don't need to go shopping or hang out with your friends with the rest of your life...

so this shows that God actually forgives but it comes at a price....yes God will forgive us so that we can enter heaven and stay with Him eternally but what is the price or sacrifice? although whatever the sacrifice it is....it will be worth it...but why do we need to go to that step when we can still repent from our wrong doings now?

so that is why we need to constantly reflect upon ourselves and keep ourselves in check before it is too late...

song for today is "Second Chance" by Hillsong United...

Too much?

after reading numbers 11...the first thought that i have is that am i asking too much from God when my life is actually good enough?

the Israelites were asking for meat after getting bored of eating manna everyday...this is the part that actually prompt me that maybe God is already blessing me with all the things that i already have now but i am still asking for more...

after a quick reflection, i realize that i got a close group of friends in church, university and secondary school...although small situations happen at home and i really dislike it...but I need a home to start of with to have all the small situation to happen...and I still have my grandparents safe, strong and healthy...I am studying in one of the top university that Malaysia has to offer...and I may have met that someone that I think I will spend my life together with...i got the bros and sisses in church....I got a car to go around....I got a laptop to be blogging about this....and most importantly I am still safe, strong and healthy to sit down and type this blog post out...

God gave me all those blessings and in return He just ask me to have Him to be the center in all the things that I do...and read His word constantly so that I won't stray away from Him....talk to Him daily....spread His gospel...so that the world can see Him in me....

and yet I failed at it...BIG TIME...God is already blessing me with all the blessings that I stated above and of course more...yet I still failed having the self discipline to do my devotion daily...and up to some point God was actually at the second place....although sometimes we tend to blame the busy schedule that we have...REALLY???!!!!! JUST 5 MINUTES IF NOT MORE OUT OF 24 HOURS JUST TO TALK TO THE CREATOR???!!!!!!

sometimes I feel really guilty when i think about it...then somehow will get distracted by something else then this matter will be pushed to the back of the mind...then it will be forgotten till the same thing happens the next time....

so I actually really thank God for having Pastor Charles to have the 30 days spiritual workout thing...and have the devotional materials posted in facebook....AWESOME...so yea...I am in the process of getting closer to God once again if not closer than before...

a song that came to my mind was "Consuming Fire" by Hillsong United....

Monday, August 8, 2011

30 days spiritual workout

going to have a workout to get a fit body....spiritually....thanks to Pastor Charles effort....so for the next 30 days i will try my best to take some time off from my busy schedule to have a blog post about it daily...hope that it speaks to you the same it does for me or better....